Friday, February 18, 2011

Require Hospitals to Provide Safe Mattresses

There is now so much evidence that effective pressure reduction support surfaces result in greatly reduced pressure ulcer incidence rates that there can be no question that hospitals must not be allowed to cause bedsores by using inferior mattresses.  All states should pass laws similar to New Jersey's requiring safe mattresses in nursing homes and hospitals. Education is a major focus of the NDF, and we must concentrate on educating state legislators about pressure ulcers and how they can take action to solve the problem.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

IHI Mentor Program

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement maintains a Mentor Hospital Registry.  It can be reached from by clicking on Programs, then Canpaign, then Mentor Registry.  Twelve hospitals are listed under Pressure Ulcer Prevention, each of which has made great strides in reducing pressure ulcers, some to zero. All twelve list names of mentors along with phone numbers and email addresses.   Nearly all mention purchase of new pressure-reducing surfaces as a factor in their success.  I sent each an email asking what support surfaces they had purchased.  Several responded, and the most mentioned surface was the HillRom VersaCare.

One of the slides for my NPUAP presentation lists hospitals that have achieved a zero level of pressure ulcer incidence, or close to it, with the heading, "If They Can Do It....."