Friday, November 16, 2012

Today is "Stop Pressure Ulcer Day'

'Stop Pressure Ulcer Day' was created by the "Declaration of Rio de Janeiro" in 2011.  This effort has been recognized by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, who issued the following statement:

" In recent years we have seen 'Stop Pressure Ulcer Days' occurring in Spanish-speaking countries, and last year these organisations created a Declaration in Rio speaking out against people developing pressure ulcers. In 2012 there will again be a Stop Pressure Ulcer Day to be held on November 16th 2012. The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel applauds the efforts of such events to bring pressure ulcers to the public, the professionals and our politicians. EPUAP has decided to join the Stop Pressure Ulcer Day to help publicise pressure ulcers...."

This is a wonderful development that should be brought to the attention of local newspapers, hospitals, and local and national politicians.  The NPUAP expressed their support just yesterday, stating "Over 2.5 million US residents develop pressure ulcers every year.  There are more patients who develop pressure ulcers than who develop cancer every year."