Wednesday, March 8, 2017

National Decubitus Foundation to Close By End of 2017

The Winter 2017 issue of the NDF newsletter, The Ugly Secret, is now available on the NDF website  Please click on "Archive" and select Winter 2017.  In that newsletter we review the history of the NDF, including the groundbreaking report "Reducing Pressure Ulcer Incidence through Braden Scale Risk Assessment and Support Surface Use." (Advances in Skin & Wound Care, July 2008)

A comprehensive survey of acute care hospitals just published in 2017 shows that, since the submission of the NDF study, incidence of hospital-caused pressure ulcers has been reduced from 6.4% to 2.9%.

The Conclusion of the NDF study stated: "Risk assessment of all admitted patients followed by provision of specialized support surfaces to all deemed to be at risk offers real hope of reducing the present very high rate of hospital-caused pressure ulcers".

Many hospitals have adopted this policy leading to the over 50% reduction noted.  The NDF proposes that all hospitals be required to adopt this NDF Prevention Protocol,  now proven to be effective.